So whats new with the Wigger Fam......
-We are moving! Very random. After Owen was born I had a strong feeling that I wanted to be in Hudsonville so Paige could ride the bus to school and eventually Blake too. I also wanted Owen to start and keep the same therapy team and eventually go to the new ECC in Hudsonville that they are developing. So we found a house we liked and were going to list ours but it turned out that it sold before we even listed it. It was such a Blessing and we will be moving about 4 minutes from school. The kids are excited. I am not looking forward to packing and unpacking but like I said to Mike, I feel like our lives are in somewhat of an upheaval anyway, why not add to it and get it all over with at once?!
-Tonight Paige had her preschool celebration. This is the equivalent of a graduation and it was so fun to see all the kids singing their little hearts out. It sounds crazy but I could hear Paige very clearly and it was cracking me up, the girl loves to be on a stage and sing. We'll see where this takes her someday. She will be in kindergarten all day on T/TH/FR next year. I am going to miss her like crazy. I am so proud of the strong willed and smart young lady she is. She also impresses me with how much she loves those around her and her Savior. She is so much like me in certain ways, like her strong will and emotional outbursts and so much like Mike in the way that she is so confident and smart! Can't wait to see what God has in mind for her. :)
-Owen is in a study for U of M's kinesiology department. So last week head of the department and his assistant came to our house and measured and weighed him and checked his motor skills and development. He then wore some motion sensors on his ankle and wrist for 24 hours and will be doing this whole deal once a month until 6 months and then again at 9, 12 and 18 months. The study is to compare typical kids and kids with DS and the rate each grows and gains muscle, fat and weight in general as compared to their activity. It won't be benefiting Owen but will hopefully help kids after him. Kids with DS can struggle with obesity and because of their low muscle tone can deal with rapid fat gain as well. Looks like Owen might be keeping me in shape if I am going to be working out with him in the future.
Beyond that we are getting through life. Some days are harder than others. I keep joking that people think I am going to board the crazy train soon. I just mean that sometimes I think people think I might be a bit too positive about things. My husband included. Some days I do want to pull my hair out and think to myself this is hard. It's hard to have to teach your kid that his muscles need to work and connect and he needs to close his mouth better to nurse or take a bottle. Or that he hates tummy time as all babies do but that he needs to do it that much more than other kids. And when I have so many appointments in a month I feel like I am neglecting Paige and Blake. Yes it sucks! But it is life. God never looked down on me and said Amy, you are going to have it made it the shade, smooth sailing and no challenges. He did say that no matter what He would give me what I needed when I needed it. NOT what I wanted, what I needed. And I feel this peace everyday. There are moments when I know one of the kids is frustrated with me and lack of time or attention. But you know what? He made the same promises to each of them. Every single one of them, and Mike as well. We are getting through it and my positive attitude is something that I feel He has Blessed our family with and pray it continues.
I tried to post some recent pictures but the computer is acting funky so until next time......
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