Friday, July 26, 2013

This life of ours....Camping

OK so recap! We went on vacation last week. We spent 5 days at Silver Lake with part of my Hollebeek side of the family. Very much look forward to this every year and this year was no different. We had a new trailer this year which made things wonderful, here is why:

-the older kids sleep awesome because they cannot hear all the commotion going on outside.
-we have air conditioning, and with it being on average 95 degrees and sunny everyday this is where Owen and I spent most of our time.
-I can literally spend half the time packing. We leave a lot of things in the trailer that we use every time we go camping.

So all in all we had a good time. Wednesday night Paige was acting like a flippin disrespectful 14 year old girl so I made the decision that she would not be going on the boat across the lake to swim at the sand dunes. Paige being Paige freaked out and Aunt Jacq wanted to help out so offered to take Blake and Paige on a bike ride while Mike and I finished unpacking. As we had told Paige many times, do not ride fast through the gravel. She was so excited and still a bit peaved at me so was starting to ride like a bat out of hell and fell. Seriously she didn't even fall that hard but lost it when she did. Here is a pic of Owen and Paige laying on our bed after "the fall."
Don't you love how Owen is smirking?

Anyway after we tried for a good half hour trying to calm the hot mess she was, we decided just to put her to bed. Slept great, got up the next morning and was fine. She did tell us her arm was sore but was moving it here and they and swam all day and seemed fine. Friday during the day her arm looked somewhat swollen but she was still moving it and seemed ok. Friday evening Mike came and showed me that her right arm, the one she fell on, looked shorter than the other. I ended up calling our Dr. (who by the way is awesome! It was a Friday night and he was not annoyed with me at all) and he told me to take her to Shelby to at least have it looked at. Off we went, and wouldn't you know, it was fractured.
Tuesday we went in and got a sweet hot pink waterproof cast that only has to be on until August 16 and doesn't seem to be holding her back, besides riding her bike. ;)

So here is to another exciting year of camping, already looking forward to next year, and maybe cooler weather!
Blake looks so annoyed here.

I LOVE this pic of 2 of my favorite boys. On a side note, it's not that we don't want to take Blake's picture, he really doesn't like getting it taken. Hopefully that will change.

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